Texas, for good or bad, would like to have their own currency. Gold? No, they want a crypto currency.
Texans have to make a relevant bet to so the currency can match congestion.
So, male the relevant bet in twpo steps. First,, apply a state wide 1% transaction tax on final goods. Collect it quarterly and announce the results, as they come in, raw. Then bet that number, and allow unlimited insider betting by anyone who has advanced knowledge.. Banker bot runs the house, its transaction costs, zero, covered by socialist Texas government. (We can put a PC in the governor's office). Folks carry around smart cards.
What happens? Currency losses and gains happens on reporting day, the winners got closest to the actual aggregate growth, and we get zero inflation change.. As long as there is a Texas tax collector, the Texas crypto-peso is as good as gold, the bot collective guards it better than any human.
Microsoft cloud and Ethereum; they both have this capability. I think the smart card technology has advanced, and Texas could easily recover the costs within a year. Spo the Texas sociaist gpvernment shuld order a smart card for all Texas citizen, make it part of the personal ID.
What happens to the Texas economy?
All citizen's would typically have enough digits in their cards tp cover their typical demand and supply activities, and inventory would thus be as well counted as can be. A very efficient economy, the Texas peso wold become a reserve currency.
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