Tuesday, February 21, 2017

OK, then do we do triple entry accounting?

ZH: After years of veiled suggestions by market skeptics that the Fed's two core mandates, inflation and employment, are just a cover for its real "third" mandate, namely supporting asset prices, today the president of the Minneapolis Fed came confirmed just that when during a meeting of the Financial Planning Association of Minnesota in Golden Valley, Minnesota, he said that “really we have a third mandate and the third mandate is financial stability.”
The Fed claims to have mastered the three way trade.  Not true, they really mean shore up the government entitlement sector, including public sector pensions and .401K accounts.

But, the problem is that the Fed does not have the brains to pull this off, and their system will collapse into two way trades, and their efforts end up with bond default.

They suffer the tri-lemonader syndrome.

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