Thursday, May 4, 2017

Having a hard time deciding

Contrary to popular beliefs, African-Americans do not like being shot bt unparented, welfare kids.  The problem is getting good parent.  They cannot be hired by the public sector, whites won't pay for it.  Tough choice.  Tough especially since many of the job available to blacks are public sector; perpetuating the system.
WA Post:
Crime is largely a local phenomenon, and residential segregation remains an enduring fact of life in the United States. As a result, when a black person is victimized, the offender is very often black as well. Through a compelling mixture of personal stories and wonky data analysis, Fortner and Forman document how African Americans have grappled with an anguished choice. On the one hand they want to protect themselves from crime, on the other hand they know that the more active and powerful the criminal justice system grows, the more African Americans will be caught up in it, some of whom will be subjected to grossly racist treatment. Fortner is extremely candid illuminating both sides of the coin, disclosing that one of his brothers has been incarcerated, whereas another was murdered.

Rather than continuing to force African Americans to choose the lesser of the two evils, Forman advocates major investment in black communities that would prevent many crimes from happening in the first place, including expanded employment opportunities, improved housing options and better schools. Coupled with efforts to combat racial discrimination within the criminal justice system, such policies would allow more African Americans to enjoy public safety and a fair, responsive criminal justice system at the same time.

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