If our trading protocol is finite count then we can treat it as a spanning tree, the trade enters the root and exits one of the stable aths, which include timeout.
t any given exchange across processors, one or more parties may request notary hek, and all parties know when to expect or not expect a notary, the protools are open source, generally, and known to all signatories. So we can assume notary mismatches afre eliminated before, via proof logic and testing.
If party X needs to confirm with party Y, then the notaries already know about their pipeline ID, public key. Each party interrogate the others pipeline via the notary service of their choice.
Two or more notaries may be involved, especially in insurance situations. After release, ownership contracts legally change, even though the trading task is incomplete. But add in the continuity connects at the beginning and end, pipeline registration, and we cna seethe miners can easily figure this out. Protocols conclude, and their record among the notaries gets wiped out while the more senior ledger is called to register any titles.
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