Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Wright brothers concept lives on.

I refer to a paper that called Bitcoin Debunked which complains, correctly, about scalability issues with block chain.  The authors point was that bitcoin is really a prototype, like the Wright Brothers plane.

The Wright brothers plane was not a prototype, as we can see above.  I think bitcoin will find a niche.

But the author's major complaints about bitcoin are correct.

The author makes on claim incorrectly, governments issues currency.  That is not true, never has been.  The private sector has a whole host of virtual coins, real coins and coupons and money; going all the way back to stone age and impressions on a mud plate.

The author neglects a few things, distributed access to a secure database is an old technology using two phase commits, and we could easily, and will, use that format here and there.

Debunking the bitcoin debunkers.

Bitcoiners have to take a different tack. First demonstrate that any  monetary system needs bearer  cash, the clearing function  is temporarily deferred. Thus, we need counterfeit proofing, this goes way back, cash. So a contraption like blockchain survives, even if it not the most optimum Wright Flyer, we still need the Wright Flyer, and it need not be perfect, as long as we have a bitcoin bearer cash.

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