Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Testing for a counterfeit proof processor

Boot it with a code of your own that runs through the paces.  The processor should generate the same output as a known good processor.  The output is a function of the secret key set used for the particular processor model, and its ability to CRC check any code it executes in the pipeline, and the CRC check need not be  microcoded, the app can supply its own.

Essentially, we all have equal right to check any processor in the chain, using this method.  It is somewhat disruptive to keep rebooting the processor, and the ability to check it is priced, cyber patrol pays a price for monetary bandwith like any other monetary app.

It is not a perfect science, but it does counterfeit proofing much better and cheaper than paper watermarks.  This research was underway when the spectre bug was found, but the bug has no effect on what we do.  The monetary transactions get the whole pipeline, not shared with any async app.

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