Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Turn those coins into ownership contracts

Most digital currencies are unlikely to survive in their current form, and investors should prepare for coins to lose all their value as they’re replaced by a small set of future competitors, Goldman’s Steve Strongin said in a report dated Feb. 5. While he didn’t posit a timeframe for losses in existing coins, he said recent price swings indicated a bubble and that the tendency for different coins to move in lockstep wasn’t rational.
The start ups still have the power, they can self organize into initial ownership offerings.  We can write nested escrow contracts, legally simple, the thumb prints have ownership access to the company account. No one in the pits is more empowered than the thumbprint with an ownership contract.

Do not disperse your start ups, keep the good trading ideas, and push the technology to support protected fences for the routers. Take that path, the field is not crowded, you have the scars, you are not done.

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