Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Saving the party actually

Liz Cheney Tells House Republicans In Meeting: I Ain’t Sorry; Breaking: Cheney Wins Leadership Vote Easily

In the next election it will be her they listen too. Some very large groups of the boneheads have horrid voters regret,  Trump threw the Georgia elections, he switched sides in a middle east wart for a hotel deal.  Ran us through a rate cycle, and bugled the covid problem. And his trade war wasn't so hot.

Otherwise, Trump and the boneheads cost repubs the senate, and threatened their eight members ind in the house, most of them foul Qanon rejects anyway.

McCarthy, from my boyhood home, is a bonehead nutcase, I can promise you that, he is Texas stupid.

I am even thinking of joining Romney's party, which one is that?

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