Thursday, August 25, 2022

'Tinhorn' is the proper adjective

Charlie Crist called Gov. DeSantis a 'dictator' but the governor's response turned that on its head

A person who talks and acts like someone who is strong and powerful but who is really weak, unimportant

Generally I use Banana to cover that whole complex of political theory. Florida is a Banana Republic if ever there was one. My definition hints of an ethnic slur, but it was the first generation conquistadors who brung it over..

Bu Banana has no cross over appeal, the Trumpsters keep forgetting.
The grammar of it. Banana is both verb and noun, for examle:

"The Wizard of Oz is sucking on Trumptster Banana"  - He is riding the Banana wave to glory.
" Governor Abbot just  bananas around meaninglessly" = also correct grammar.
"Tucker Carlson got Bananasized" - hye took the stupid pill to get with the Trumpsters.

Tinhorns are limp Bananas, the usual welfare bum, in the end.

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