Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rich Lowry want to solve voter cognitive dissonance

He makes the usual observation that voters cannot manage a gargantuan budget thousands of miles away. They don't comprehend who pays and who receives.  The problem is not the voter, the problem is the crowd of over empowered Senators who fail in their honesty about the mal representation of the Senate, and most of this cognitive deceit comes from the Rich Lowry crowd of Senators.

 Rich, show them this chart often, it tells the voters what they get from every tax dollar:

New York $0.79 42
California $0.78 43
Delaware $0.77 44
Illinois $0.75 45
Minnesota $0.72 46
New Hampshire $0.71 47
Connecticut $0.69 48
Nevada $0.65 49
New Jersey $0.61 50
Also, make voters aware that large states, the three main states facing bankruptcy, are under represented in the Senate by a factor of six. Once voters are aware of the unfairness of the tax, spend and representation system , then they will gladly agrees to cuts, especially cutting the favorite programs of the NRO crowd.
This chart comes from the Tax Foundation, the NRO crowd should donate money to have it updated.

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