Saturday, June 21, 2014

Log of complex value in Reimann discrete numbers.

The grammar of Reimann's current complex space, and this is is that this is discrete. All other rules of grammar are followed.

What is 1/D, D complex and discrete.  I assume D finite, so this is the path from complex and discrete 1 to  value D.  If D is zero than that is a walk to zero, and offset phase has been lost. To be lost is to have D = 0 + 0i causes skip a cycle.  Little i is an index in the ordered set D, value d, 0=d to D

Otherwise, just remember finite log, sum of all backwards paths from the number line to D.  And have a nice base^Pi * k, Pi scalar and k in the  Reimann complex, discrete plane. OK, I guess Pi * n means? One half cycle thru the finite finite angle line, at the complex point, k? I dunno, but keep all the rules of grammar.

Have we seen him yet? We are using his exact same grammar.

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