Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wiki gets full credit for fixing my last blunder

I noticed the the characteristic equation for the surface area of a sphere, and the radius never appeared on their hyperbolic pages. The mathematicians there were politely telling me something, they made me do the work. They also pointed out to me the specific second order differential I should be using.

Based on that a whole lot of puzzles have been completely described, the relationship between the irrational number, the Higgs mechansm, the hyperbolic function, Weinberg angle, the 1.5 quants of the vacuum, Swarzchild radius, bandwidth of the orbitals vs bandwidth of space, charge, the quarks, spectrum management, de Broglie waves, and the Broglie idea for a clock in space. Quantum entanglement finally cleared up, leading to some great experiments I found out about in weak measurement.

Also, wiki did great work on entropy, excellent web pages there. Another de Broglie idea, relating entropy and action.  That allowed us to lay out the bandwidth function at the peak of the proton spectra.

So, all in all, only the mathematicians at Wiki get credit for solving the last riddle.

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