Friday, June 20, 2014

Working the bitstream equations

I want the complete sequence, bit stream version.

I start with the minimum redundancy model ln(1+SNR). The signal, in this case is a vector delta/Baud rate of degree k, {k=1,2,3,4}, which points toward the minimum phase. A product of these vectors will pass through the decoder tree and generate a R,Theta,Alpha, a point in the complete space of places, computed from the surface of the unit circle, at the u vector for a set of polynomial  at the tangent to the conic.

All of these vectors come from forms like: tanh(P(baud)^n)., a function of some recursive polynomial, there is one for each Lagrange. The noise is derived from the Lagrange. The value one is the sum of fractional vectors that make up the empty space, but that is also derived from Lagrange. They should all be incorporated in the in the polynomial P for each Lagrange.

So we get, their product:

Bauds are the marks in the complete sequence, it counts the complete set of quantized solutions. There will be some 100 or so solutions, and the decoding tree has that many leaves.

The decoding tree operates on the vectors N1,N2,N3.. from root to leave, each vector generated from the digit system. Each of the product forms become sums after the log and each converted to the base corresponding to the dimension, so they generate the appropriate degrees of freedom in symmetric root indices.

Every kth solution occupies a portion of the digit system up to the the digits supported by its Lagrange. The kth digit counts through the vectors in a rotation through Pi, generated the number of dV1..dVk, appropriate. They perform carry and borrow, and are reversible, but generally cyclic.

Will this work? Sure if one can get the map. But isn't the map just a hierarchical grid function? It just finds the relative quantize points in sphere space relative to the preceding branch.   The tanh function includes both fraction and whole number, it is hyperbolic.   The bases are all multiples of Baud.  There are multiple order differentials on the unit surface.  The polynomials generate p and q.  The error is against the light.  But lower powers, even above 17, will still count, but their effect slight as their fuzzies are over run by the Tanh vector of higher orders. p and q are always taken at the unit sphere surface, and fractions are chained in to count.

Given four unit circles, the four digits systems are counted in sequence.  The actual quant can mostly be computed from the various Lagrange ratios.

What about the static polynomial solution?

Take the tanh functions of the polynomials, set up the matrices, go ahead, likely useful. This solution does include motion fo bandwidth limits, it assumes minimum redundancy. Higgs is a stable baud rate. We meet all the requirements for strictly hyperbolic differential equations.

Are the quarks fourth order?
Good question, 10e30 years is a long stable life.

What about phase other than the unit circle? Everything is phase stable in this  solutio, and maximum entropy. The quants in the counters set, and the bases set, carry and borrow work. If you want different results, alter the map.

Reimann z function for complex roots?
You know your maximum bandwidth and minimum, the gluon has this.  The count should cover the whole width, and do one complete phase circle, I think.  It should count as the order of the polynomial going up the radial.  Try to find the boundaries, and functions.

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