Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The exchage rate of phase

Phase quantization seems to crap out around Phi^17, according to my spread sheet. That is about 3500 null bubbles. So the phase error of light must be about 1/3500 units of phase per bubble, at the quant rate of Phi, in the first Lagrange, thus, I think, this is linear, and phase error is quadratic.

There are Phi^74 of these globs of null bubbles in the proton, times two if you like, that is 1836 times the mass of the electron. So at least we know the phase error of light relative to a unit of engineering mass. So we have the standard unit of mass. What this number really is in the number of counts required for 3/2 to power through one period of round off error and match Phi. It is sort of the beat frequency between Phi and the ratio 3/2.

In  reality, what would have happened is a stationary Gaussian distribution of phase and Nulls about Phi^17.  The ratio of the first and second Lagrange is about 1.28. That is about a quart of a standard deviation away from 3500 bubbles.  The old and new quant rates separate because the old quants have mutual interference. The new quants are root(2) plus or minus 3.5 (there abouts), their noise separation has doubled from 1/2. 

This does not last, of course, eventually the second Lagrange runs its course and the third moment is added when the third Lagrange takes over.  That is when we get charge. The part I do not quite get is that the phase error does not go away. At least, not unless the bubbles change characteristics. The noise separation can change by increasing quant size, or adding degrees of freedom, but the phase error stays, I would think.

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