Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Keynesian Clowns are back

The Swamprats from DC, Blanchard, Krugman, Summers and DeLong.

The same idiots the caused HSR nightmare in California, a 68 billion dollar
Sword of Damocles hangin over the California budget. We cannot get rid of HSR, it is recurring nightmare.

The same group that fouled the fiat banking system.

These same idiots brought us 15 years of No Child left behind, nothing but volatility to the California education system. We pay a 25% tax bonus to be a member of Swampland, that is how much extra tax they take from us to pay for this crap, and we are not that rich.

The Keynesians are the same group that refuse to allow the Keystone pipeline, even though it was privately funded.

The same group that brought us the dead weight San Jose Light Rail system. This group had nothing but a string of failures in California, and have caused nearly 20 years of a floundering economy out here.

The California Legislature is not that smart.  They are easily swindled by the DC carpet baggers, and California is better off leaving DC behind and give our legislatures some time to learn a few things about governance.  We will not escape the Carpet Baggers from DC, they will haunt California into bankruptcy, and we almost went there.  It is time to finish the secession. It is time for the tenth largest economy to stand on its own two feet before the Swamp Creatures devout us.

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