Saturday, January 9, 2016

The two party system ain 't working

First this;

Trump Could Win It All

The article talks about voter group experiments that show up to 20% of Dem voters could turn to Trump.  The experiment was not v ery con trolled, but then the primary is chaotic, but it is very suggestive.

Then  this;
The Republican Party is facing a historic split over its fundamental principles and identity, as its once powerful establishment grapples with an eruption of class tensions, ethnic resentments and mistrust among working-class conservatives who are demanding a presidential nominee who represents their interests.

Easily understandable, This is a standoff between the two largest states, and the 15th and 9th largest economies in  the world.  Add Mexico to the list.   These three have irreconcilable differenes in DC, making DC run  a  very narrow path.  But they are nearly 4 trillion  large and form  a trading  block.  DC is mainly nuisance.

And this:

The U.S. Congress finished with such abysmal approval ratings in 2015 that they will likely be thankful that 2016 is a presidential election year, when voters and the media will mainly be preoccupied with a handful of candidates.
According to Gallup’s December 2015 survey, Congress netted a 13 percent approval rate, with an overwhelming 82 percent of Americans disapproving of the House and Senate. Long gone are the days when Washington D.C. lawmakers racked up a 56 percent approval rating in December 2000.

Problem, Hillary is an insider, Trump is not.

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