Thursday, January 14, 2016

Yes oil equates to headline iflation

Marcus Nunes claims the Fed failed because of something called the "target", which he puts in quotes"

Between 2001 and 2008, oil prices went up by a factor of 6. Headline inflation went up but core inflation was very well behaved, staying close to “target”.

So, this bozo has a theory about some thing called "target" whitch is a wholly mad up index designed not to follow headline inflation   We have no proven theory on  the thing called "target", the Phillip's curve is c rap, and headline inflation  involves all the prices that urban consumers pay.

In fact take a long term look sin e 1985, inflation  down  almost continually except when the Swamp engineers the next recession.  Here, take a look for the umpeenth time:

Note the implicit price, change YoY, always peaks then we crash?

 Economists, dump the Magic Walrus and look at the data.  We are at the end pf the 45 year central banking  cycle, and just like each and every generation  before us, we will fly helicopter.

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