Saturday, October 29, 2016

The plot

Now that I have my nested block structure working with prepend, I will add the simples, like append, then build some higher order operators to descend the graph

But in the process, we get a method to dump a list onto the graph,or dump a list of tuples onto the graph. The idea is to use python to easily generate some structured samples. Then   try different methods to bubble them up in groups,  not to test entropy but to count cycles.  That gets them math folks excited, rock solid, high speed descend only graph with millions of node, most of them secure digits.

The approach seems to be, take the incoming bids and just 'append' to the top.  That is a simple create the node, add it to the g array and bump the top clock account.  Then its locked in, all other node sustain the block structure, and the job of the mathematicians will be to design entropy methods that bubble the bids up the graph for market purposes. prepend is what the bubble up process uses, basically a swap between two subgraphs relative to a parent.

Market traders buy sophisticated graph operators, operators that bubble up or expose critical market moves, innovations.  let's give the math folks some room, lot of room, to innovate.

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