Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Smart Card brings the hordes back to the malls

Transaction costs and information gain from walking arou d the mall what a smart 'mouse' in your hand? Price beacons everywhere, all of it visible, it all works just like the web. The mall is your screen, every item an icon. Think Pokeman altered to play at the mall.  Amazon will die an instant death because the gain from the experience, the low transactions costs result in savings much greater than the hassle of a bike ride.

WalMart knows this, they get the idea of tap, tap shopping.  The idea that customers can run around he store and automatically fit items into their budget with banker bot?  A shoppers pokeman on steroids, and a great learning experience for the customer as they get red and green from the most intelligent process they know.

Easily values at $15 trillion over ten years, smart card. A no brainer. Nobody in their right mind reads my blog, so the idea remains mine.  All of you can all just send me my share say, 3 trillion?

Here is the essence.  The most intelligent thing that any human ever sees will be the size of a credit card,its always listening and gives you the red/green as you tap away at the world.

That is not me, that is the fixed point, obvious evolution of tech.  You cannot out do it unless you are will to inject yourself computer chips. Destiny simply because we will never beat the physical characteristics of the credit card, and Moore's law has at least got that covered.

The size of a rock

Putting it in evolutionary terms.  As long as we are human, we are getting a thrill out of holding a rock; the credit card is the natural human object, and banging things the natural human act..  Nothing changed, except this rock takes extremely intelligent paths through rock space, and returns with any and all information of significance to you.  Tap you Apple telephone, you can dial up some games; or just watch the red/green light.

1 comment:

Flip Marley said...

one reads your blog. not in their right mind, no.