Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Two things the bot needs from any price beacon

The depreciation cycle of the item and its ratio, in units of exchangeable digits that often gets used to purchase the item.  (Price). Price and frequency of purchase, approximately.  The bots can collect tags for other uses, and can be instructed, under your supervision, to use finer categories.  But, the world according to bot is price and frequency.

The trading bots we have already are on board with the frequency of purchase thing, because when you look at the 'Other people also viewed' icons.  Those icons are sort of a rough Huffman encoding. It tells us what depreciation schedule is the same for  these things. Just formalize the form and get it into a verification exchange, and the smart cards know what it means.  If its fishing gear then send the bot a compact graph representation of fishing gear purchases for this store, at some level of precision the store owner approves. Your smart can can convolve that with your typical purchase graph generator, and decide if this is the hobby for you (green).

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