Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How's the theory coming?

I stare at theoretical math , mostly about Benford'slaw, minimum redundancy property of Fibonacci, and convulotions and algebra of Fibonacci series. The Bedfords law is taking polynomial studies to new levels of excitement, a fairly big thing.

So far, I am seeing that the F numbrs still generate the maximum entropy transaction rates across the minimum spanning tree. The the F polynomials will derive the Bernoulli distribution, which informs us of the probability of some sequence of inventory going to zero, so things do fit. In particular, we are interested inthe minimal case of one quant going out the door and another remaining in inventory. This is our version of inventory risk equivalent to the Levine chain risk.

I have reading lists on multi-variate Fibonacci series that hopefully leads us to multi-sector algebra from the network to the micro. Can we get to the actual function micro agents use to constuct the top down inventory tree, or collapse the bottoms up inventory tree in the minimum number of steps?

I have the impression that the mathematicians know what the micro -> macro problem entails and they are producing results in a timely fashion.

I have R codes that generate multivariate F polynomials, and I need the Hildago networks in standard form so the code can lay out the inventory transaction rates across them and generate a yield curve.  Hildago networks are constructed by statistical measure of local exchanges, and we really want the original local exchange panel results.

We are getting to that ultimate economic geography where we can drag a cursor across the landscape and generate the local yield curves along the way.

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