Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our Widget personal robots

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<widget xmlns       = "http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"
id          = "http://example.org/exampleWidget"
version     = "2.0 Beta"
height      = "200"
width       = "200"
viewmodes   = "fullscreen">

<name short="Example 2.0">
The example Widget!

<feature name="http://example.com/camera">
<param name="autofocus" value="true"/>


<preference name     = "apikey"
value    = "ea31ad3a23fd2f"
readonly = "true" />

A sample widget to demonstrate some of the possibilities.

<author href  = "http://foo-bar.example.org/"
email = "foo-bar@example.org">Foo Bar Corp</author>

<icon src="icons/example.png"/>
<icon src="icons/boo.png"/>
<content src="myWidget.html"/>


This is their configuration file, written in html, a sample from the W3C Group.

Don't forget the neat little code window which converts text tagged as <pre> from Bhavya Jain

This configuration file in XML text is packaged with an HTML file, with document script file. This file set, and other option files, are generally small, and self documenting, and have that one magic robot thing they report to the human first.

This is all good news, it is software quantizing, robots spawning.

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