Monday, November 7, 2011

Does RDF seem useless for the web?

They have schema identifiers on their links, a separate identifier that give a link some handler for the node value. We do not have that in the open source ontology engine.  The RDF schema identifier links to an external process, it leaves the ontology.  The open source engine does it better and simpler.

 How would we do a schema in the ontology engine? How about this:
Gout = convolve(schemaID.user graph, Schemas)
The schema graph has the smarts to match the schema, then is will descend a path tat can perform what ever action the schema requires.  So, the human can pick the schema he thinks works, locate that schema and have the actions desired executed as an convolution.

My point here is that adding an predicate  ID to the link helps nothing.  This is a case of the complexity engineers inventing complexity for no apparent reason.

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