Saturday, November 5, 2011

I will write the ontology-sqlite3 interface

That much I can do, at least for version one of the open source  engine.  I can do this right here, in this post and get it out of the way.  But it might be informal. Remember when I write this, the universe of G is made of maybe, millions of nested ontology graphs, in SQL tables.  Where do these millions of G come from? Mainly sel convolutions of G on itself.  G trying to coax new nodes of raw test into ontology form and generating Gs in abundance.  Typically, about 5% of the Gs around the company will be human designed, mainly to manage dictionary tables and text reduction. So the Ontology to SQL interface is about grabbing a G and executing its operators with SQL prebuilt routines.  OK, I can do that.

What are the main APIs?
Link, when one G jumps to another, change the table name parameter.
Exit, the convolution is done, insert Gout onto a table store. The table name is the first node of G3.
Methods to help traversal:
OR select, with or without match, step or block mode
AND select, same as above.

For the default grammar, there is not much else.  This is version 1.0, and I assume all table stores are local.

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