Saturday, December 3, 2011

Table names in this version

I have skipped any effort to push table name flexibility, and threw away some code that was an early attempt. So, for V2.0, I define the table name to be the first key words in the syntax following @, as in:
@((MySearchTable.Physics.(K1,k2,k3)), SomeNamedTable.physics)

The first key word of each top set element is a table name, presumed to be a triple table. The default tables are _. The system can easily identify the table name key on start and initialize the proper operators to the new table name. Later, we can precede the table name with a URL ID, as in:

My humaness is imposing an asymmetry on the convolution operator. I always seem to put the search graph first. Version 2 accepts that asymmetry.

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