Saturday, January 14, 2012

Graph traversal protocol

Websites designed to be read by computers rather than humans could make it easier to share and use data says Stephen Wolfram, creator of “computational knowledge engine” Wolfram Alpha. Writing in a blog post, he suggests that “.data” should join the likes of .com, .org and .net as a new top-level domain (TLD) for organisations to share data in a standard from, creating a “data web” that would run in parallel with the ordinary web.

See, I get this right, you think these folks are listening?

We’re certainly not sure what all the issues about a .data TLD will be, and we’re actively seeking input and partners in this effort. But I think there’s a potentially important opportunity, so I’m trying to do what I can to provide leadership, and further help to accelerate the birth of the data web. Steve Wolfram

How about a BSON nested graph stabdard? (Expose the graph layer for navigation)

HT Tyler Cowen. Tyler is paying attention to what is a revolution in semantic web.

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