Monday, February 13, 2012

The web under monopoly control, Not!

JOSEPH TUROW'S invaluable The Daily You is a warning about the impact of the "Web 3.0" revolution - though he doesn't use the term - on individual freedom and privacy.

Coined by Reid Hoffman, the Silicon Valley venture capitalist and co-founder of LinkedIn, the term Web 3.0 defines our digitally networked age of "real identities generating massive amounts of data". It is via this avalanche of personal data, available through networks like Facebook, Foursquare, Google and The Huffington Post that, Turow warns, "the new advertising industry is defining your identity and your world". New Scientist

The free loaders think DNS Domain Naming System is not under threat. They think the web depends on DNS, the thinking of idiots. The very fact that LinkedIn doesn't get this implies they have no business making promises to shareholders.

The semantic machine makes Domain Naming optional, the Bson bots can find and remember ip addresses on their own, they can meet at known servers, then exchange Ip addresses privately, thus side stepping DNS. Users will have encrypted, distributed hashing they can create themselves, in groups, to make a private netork out of the Internet. MIT has the algothm ready to go!

Investor, beware of these companies who think they can monopoly enforce a simple code, they can't. Already I see projects where discovery and indexing of IP on a private basis are ongoing. Does LinkedIn really think that large companies will turn down the opportunity to create private clouds in the web?

Check out a mere 1500 lines of open source, patent free source code that makes all this possible.

But what's worse are the high brows, idiots in the industry who think looking up a number in a table is diffult, esoteric stuff.

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