Monday, September 9, 2013

The real deal on California

If it were the independent nation the Sacramento budget would be about $300 billion, depending upon your persuasion. We aren't.  If we were one of seven large states, in a 14 member Senate, our budget would be $250 Billion, more or less.  The difference is gains from agglomeration. If we could live within the current system, we are optimum with a budget of about $200 billion. But the total tax base is limited folks, and it is strained. To get California with the optimum budget, we need a cut of about $1 trillion in DC, because of proportionality. The little prairie states won't go for that.

Are we getting the problem?  What is the way out? California should just elect eight at large Senators, and send them to our own private legislative chambers, in that huge California lobby we own in DC.  Elect them in six year rotations, we all get two votes every six years. Californians need to start a referendum to create these newly elected, statewide officers.

The point is, these fake Senators would have enormous political power in DC, they would have the projects and programs adjusted for maximum efficiency back home.

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