Tuesday, October 1, 2013

California environmentalists trash environment, kill poor people

CA rooftop solar will cost other customers $1 billion per year - See more at:
Wealthy rooftop solar homeowners will shift $1.1 billion per year in extra costs onto other electric ratepayers by the year 2020, according to a new study just released by the California Public Utilities Commission.

rooftop solar, wikimediaWho benefits from net-metered solar rooftop systems is a contentious issue. Sure to add controversy is the CPUC study finding that the median household income for customers with rooftop solar systems is $91,201 per year. This is compared with a median income of $54,283 for all households in California and $67,821 for customers of the Big Three regulated electric utilities, PG&E, Edison and SDG&E. Net-metered electric customers had 78 percent higher median income than the median California household income.
Solar rooftop systems are obviously popular with wealthier homeowners who receive the benefits of reduced electric bills. However, UC Berkeley Energy Institute analyst Dr. Severin Borenstein reports that a rooftop solar system’s lifetime costs are $86,000 to $91,000, but the value of the power produced is only $19,000 to $51,000. Without subsidies and tax incentives and credits, solar systems are not sustainable. - See more at:

Well, isn't that special. We have actually identified California environmentalsts, 1) Making the environment worse and 2) Doing so for no other reason than to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich. Welcome America, this is your future.

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