Sunday, December 21, 2014

Spanish verbs strung together

Sería un placer de haber pensar de querer de comer.

Google translate accepts this as: 
It would be a pleasure to have to think about eating.

sin mucho que contar de querer  gustarse de comer
not much to tell about liking to eat

The translater is a graph matching tool, taking a graph of the phrse and colving that with a graph of the language, match branch by banch and stopping when a good score is acheived, ot the kanguage tree is exhausted. I doubt it takes more than four verbs in a row before the score is downgraded, which terminates a branch of the convolution.

He comenzado de correr de escuchar que ellos hablen

I started running to hear them speak

I am really just exploring the language tree in Google translate.

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