Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I have to emphasis the smart card cash transaction

It is an enforcement, an assumption, the protocol be a basic:

Peer 1: Here are digits X for fulfillment Y
Peer 2: Thanks
I modeled it after the cash transaction at Walmart.  It goes like this:
Customer: Here is wad of sweaty cash,
Clerk: OK, your thing is in the bag.

It is essential because of the necessity of an atomic transaction on the graph,.  Any protocol more complex, the hackers will have a consistent entropy shortage to exploit.  They can cooperate, and cut insider transactions on the graph in search of better bid/ask.

Bidding,between two bots are simply countable compounds of the above.

What happens when the rule says:
Each participant must send a letter to Janet.

The hackers time the response  for Janet.  The assume a locally smooth surface betwern time and  couns on the graph.  So, they know how many insider trades they can store within the graph, before writing a letter to Janet.

We don;t want this:

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