Some details, if I did it.
I have two graphs, loans made and deposits left. The contract says it will operate in neutral, amber. That means the probability of a bit error through the pit is peaked at zero, the
So, we have two graphs, the encoder for loans and the encoder for deposits, path length goes as improbability.
Now, if the two trees were matched, nearly complete, deposits balanced to loans, hypothetically, the pit boss could:
for pairs in convolve(Loans,Deposits) : Accumulate_net_bit_error()
This gives a measure of incoherency, and produces and absolute measure, color.
N is small, range of 3-9. Since, all bettors have smart card, we can ask and prove that all players can play in amber. That is, the pit boss and borrowers run the same risk, and it is an absolute measure.
I assume the smart card, so running in amber is an absolute, something the depositors can count on. Depositers who use the specified coins will observe loans outstanding. All lending is amber. The loans will need to be returned when the trees get unbalanced, it exceeds the amber. (Borrowers are enforced on their color contract) Depositors, which are bots, as are borrowers. Everyone is free to scan the tree, bot not simultaneously. The pit boss will take cycles needed to keep order, it is running amber. Net bit error is low, this is a safe bank. Depositors earn bit error, they leave heir dough-re-me on the graph, when hey think it will unbalance. hoping for a loan recall. But, the longer it sits, the motre probable they catch a recall. If tyhe pit boss does not requant (or call the loans) , no pay-off.
However, the more the depositors bet on a rebalance, the more balanced the tree.
It works because it assumes smart card and cycles on the graph pricing. The cycles on the graph pricing makes currency uncertainty evenly spread. But the key, there is a universal measure of color.
Currency risk is the smallest risk, by definition, I would think. It would correspond to a inknpaper shortage in olden times. Here it is the variable cycles the pit boss needs on the tree, and that depends on how innovative is the sequence of loans and deposits.
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