Saturday, December 31, 2016

Housing at Fresno Motels

Hotel California residents remain without heat, but Fresno leaders call motel housing a ‘necessary evil’

Fresnan Bee: As Fresnans celebrate Christmas, residents at the rundown Hotel California are wondering when their living conditions will improve as city leaders grapple with how to address all motels that operate as apartments.One resident, 68-year-old Guadalupe Ramos, had to move all of her belongings into a different unit Thursday night after a water leak caused her room to flood.Richard Burrell, who runs an organization called Live Again Fresno, is the residents’ biggest advocate. He visits the motel, near Roeding Park at 530 N. Weber Ave., twice a week to provide hot meals and Bible study. On Thursday, a concerned neighbor called Burrell and he rushed over. What he saw made him take out his phone-video camera and hit record.
The normal Kanosian response is outrage, 'let's  build a choo choo.'  We are attempting it, and the choo choo right of way wiped out three motels just like this. It worked, the residents are now down south in LA. 

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