Monday, October 23, 2017

Gearing up for Fintech

Everyone, actually.  Central banks get the issues and semantics, they figured out it is not all bitcoin-blockchain. 

We have the regular introduction of crypto-currency derivatives, which are virtual, custodial side chains in bitcoin language. So I can buy a house with a bitcoin derivative and my finance company can just swap ownership it derivative tokens, even though we are pricing in bitcoin.  We can evade the block chain.

Overstock was successful in introducing its block chain stock trade system. So we got cross over in both directions. 

Trezor is integrating is personal secure element to the latest in automatic trading systems, making one stop trading bots a reality, end to end.

Ripple got some coin fame for connectivity, the specialty of that system is running clearing actions through multiple clearing houses automatically. Ben liked that coin.

Bitcoin is still climbing.

I am actually getting bored, like it is time to ready singularity 2.0.

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