Monday, October 30, 2017

Watch the power of secure element

It is that moment when the Cayman Island's government mandates use of the secure, sandbox compatible, element for banks.  Then, it is all over, the $150 intelligent, counterfeit proof, honest cash card is here.

In economicsGresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good". For example, if there are two forms of commodity money in circulation, which are accepted by law as having similar face value, the more valuable commodity will disappear from circulationt
Ignore the connotation from 'bad money', they really mean cash in which material costs of transactions is lowest.  The intelligent cash card beats paper money in carrying costs, likely by an order of magnitude.

The price point for a billion in unit sales is about $150.  That is equivalent to the cost of 1500 rectangles of high quality currency paper.  But, add in capital costs of the cash trucks, physical vaults in ATM's, security guards. Compare that to the automated counterfeit hunter bots prowling the sandbox, hunting down counterfeits. You find plastic and silicon beat ink and paper.

Let us not forget humanity

What makes us human? The ability to hold a rock in our dominant hand and bang the shit out of something. Exactly what the intelligent cash card offers.

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