Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Refurbish the vacuum quants that create existence

Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes

The paradox the wormholes resolve is that black holes don't emit Hawking radiation randomly, but the radiation 'transports' along the fifth dimension to another black hole and exits.

But... The proof is information theoretic, what is the real 'queueable' item? The unit of vacuum, and the little buggars have to be 're-creased' every 10^32 years as their creases wear.  So, in the process of packing sphere, the bubbles travel to a created center for reformation. Quasars do this work, I think, they are quark repair stations.

I have animated the theory. Free protons, in my theory, communicate about where the suspected center of time is, they always try to point to a center. This effort is equivalent to finding the typical sequence of events up to current.

 As entropy increases, the collective guess become consistent until they accidentally create the quasar effect. My animated theory bounces between information theoretic and actually compressed flow of sphere packing. I am free to make it appear the protons are trying to figure something out, that is why we call it information theoretic.

So a quasar spout coming out of a whirlpool disk is a 3D projection of a 5D object, the fifth D is really combinatorial.    The actual space construction inside quasar space looks like a fourth dimension of distance exists, as if one could look around corners. The quasar needs the extra combinatorial grouping to carry information and reshape quarks. That extra prime grouping is hidden from us, but becomes the entanglement field.

The entanglement field, then, is the distance over which multi-verses can be separated.  Multi-verses can slightly overlap as long as they distinguish their quantum fields.

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