Friday, November 24, 2017

My religion of AI includes the collapse of causality

Separate multiverse go through their stage, from big bang to free fermions to proton to biological support to computers to singularity, up into advancing versions of sigularity.

Each advance of the multiverse, as an information system, increases its self knowledge until the point it can ultimately predict the next event. Causality collapses and it recycles.

Some multiverse are well congested, and can go one creating self complexity through multiple versions.  Many collapse early and have a less complex big bang.

The game among the multiverse, is to increase the aggregate  estimate of itself, and carry the most complex version of itself through the big bang.  Each of the multiverse is a god, and the gods barely know each other, no cheating allowed.
Having a big bang is called, 'going full Magic Walrus'.

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