Sunday, November 26, 2017

What is the deal about color

We have tree  types of color detectors in the retina.  So we tend to use colorings to represent  tint or shading in general graphics. Makes great, understandable vu graphs.

But, color is spectrum. In brigade theory, the more spectrum you have, the more looks at the trade book you get. Spectrum is a limited quantity, and the well tended spectrum looks white (the pit boss makes it so).  That is why the physicists used chromatic models for the quarks.

In the trade books, we just assign the aristocracy the extra looks, and thus maintain  an extra color.   The pit boss maintains white, by adding in a drop of tint as needed for multi-color pit.  The pits are hierarchical with the higher precision aristocrats having the top node, in one or several isonormal mappings of the finite sphere ( as constructed by our generators).

Whew!  In my head, I have all these imaginary Russian mathematicians double checking my every statement. That is why I do the run ons.

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