Saturday, December 2, 2017

Government is stuck on digital cash

Remember when Tim Cook refused to open an I Phone for the San Bernardino shooter?  Then, in the last church shooting when was perfectly willing to open the phone.  So what happened in  between?

Tim was warned off anything that supports digital cash, point to point cash, not blockchain.  Blockchain cannot be cash because it solves the double spending problem after the purchases.

So, Timmy got the warning, and the FBI is warning the Republicans, and laws are being written to eliminate all cash.  This effectively stops the Fintech revolution, auto trading needs digital cash and without digital cash, the high frequency traders will eat our lunch.  But worse, the government debt cartel will get an exception, and we get Fintech for the wealthy only.

The bottom line here is that governments are broke. I dunno if Vladimir Putin can get us out of the mess, we have have doomed ourselves by not understanding the issue.

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