Thursday, October 31, 2019

Consider the MD specialist in certain intestinal diseases

In LA, certain complications involving unique procedures happen 200 times a year. In Vermont the same rate is like five.

Vermont is near extinct, that is the problem. Its population is had leveled and is declining. They lose scale gains very fast and you get sudden exit, rank one it become an occasional summer cottage industry.

We have to pay the price or get a new Constitution. The latter is deemed impossible. Our founders blew it. My proposal wins out, it is the only solution.

What the Fed misses

The curve is rank three, not rank five in robust times. We are looking increasingly like a mining economy. We contracted, lost spectral points (fewer digits needed to get an accurate bid).   We dunnit, a requant, it is in the past.

The Fed is up against quantum noise, the energy of quantization, all the exchanged needed to 'reagglomerate' in Krugman's terms.

We got the doldrums of Chile, and it is getting worse. We have to deal with small state, they are on the edge. So it is like, Small state fix, then NewFed, then generational overlap gets us back our robust spectrum. Otherwise the singularity takes over.

We have some commutative property. The small state fix will be negotiated once a year, so that is basically agreed to at any time.  But New Fed has to happen before generational overlap. We need the large agencies on cash accounting to price the relative generations.

Our collective history knows these forces, we humans can temporarily be in denial, but history is a force. History is in our state capitals, road signs, office buildings, books and literature to explain it all. It is memory incarnate and has inertia and will impose.

Just waiting for Texas to mass murder a bunch of kids

Pence: Democrats Dropped Gun Control For Impeachment

Then we throw you out of office, you and your Narcissistic  ass.

If I affirmatively voted for the fair ladies

'The weird obsession and freakout over Tulsi Gabbard has massively helped her'
Amy Klobuchar and Tulsi Gabbard would be my choices.

One as VP works.  Both sound thinkers, and both women. And Klobuchar has an advantage, she can be  shithead to federal employees, they need it. And Gubbard a shithead to foreign policy dreamers.
Throw mayor Pete in the threesome, but he is a racist anti-Redneck. 

I don't mind, nothing more fun then being a suppressed minority, the comedy more than compensates.

Obama and Hillary and incredibly stupid foreign policy

The borders between Syria and Iraq are highly porous and it’s impossible to contain the flow of militants and arms between the two countries. The Obama administration’s policy of providing money, weapons and training to Syrian militants in training camps located at the border regions of Turkey and Jordan bordering Syria was bound to backfire sooner or later.
Unbelievable idiocy of stirring the pot after the Iraq occupation had died down.   Obama clueless and Hillary intoxicated with power of state.  That is why we saved ourselves from another LBJ when Hillary lost. Worse, the yokel senators from small states barely understood any of this.

US governance has problems, serious.

Cognitive dissonance

The White House’s top Ukraine official confirms there was a quid pro quo

The idea that Trump did not connect the  investigation of Hillary, the  UK and  the dossier mess with his own efforts to get the Ukraine involved in the same act.  

His aides know and suffer the contradiction, like Barr looks stupid in the whole affair. So his aides have careers to worry, they have to seem at least normal.

This dissonance on Trump's part is quite humorous, but is speaks also to his supporters. At some point it becomes obvious, this guy has something akin to Alzhemier's and his supporters will look like boneheads.

I like the idea of a nutty president, maybe, they accidentally shake things up. And we have some protection, he is debt constrained, unlike Reagan.  Trump also mimics Nixon which is astounding, like he was not even reading the news at the time.

I dunno, I think he is harmless, as long as he is debt constrained. Sort of makes me want to leave the Fed as it is, let government dwindle, harmlessly. A harmless government being the key, keep the social engineers at bay.

I was bizarre as a child, still am

My favorite book in eighth grade was the CRC Mathematical Tables and formulas. I used to get out graph paper and plot the tables and formals for no apparent reason.

Almost everyone in Vermont already has medicare

Says Bernie:

I will demand that every American has health care as a human right.

You are the Senator of an old folks home, not much more.

3.5 million condos for Turkeys's mohummers

Corbyn Pledges to Immediately Buy Homes for the Homeless

Mayor Garcetti made the same promise. 
Corbyn has competition. let us see who wins the most jihadis.

But certainly impeachable

Report: Morrison Backs Taylor, Testifies That He Thought There Was A Quid Pro Quo With Ukraine — But Not That It Was Improper

Perhaps Morrison should read the Constitution.

If Trump uses his foreign policy power to encourage investigations against his opposition he will be impeached.  A little history of Nixon and Bill Clinton might have help Trump out a bit.

Trumps main problem is he does not get these facts, and they cannot be put into his simple mind.  That cause alone is getting him impeached. He should have gotten a bit more education then ran for president. Trump screwed himself, there is no other way to put it. His is getting impeached.

Barr is unqualified to make the decision

Democratic lawmakers call on Barr to stop opposing encryption
A pair of Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr on Thursday urging him to stop government requests for encryption backdoors, which allow the government to obtain certain user information from tech companies.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) argued that the Justice Department's push to limit such encryption "is not just hypocritical, but it has been repeatedly criticized by cryptographers and other leading cybersecurity experts."
“We urge you to stop demanding that private companies purposefully weaken their encryption for the false pretense of protecting children," the lawmakers wrote.
Barr has been an outspoken critic of encryption, which protects messages from surveillance and makes companies that use it unable to access the contents of users' messages.

Let me explain something to the dufas squad at the White House.

Ten year back to 1.7% yield. Oil back uder 55

Forces of deflation impinging on the numbers. Cash becomes king when deflation hits.

Sandbox effect

Continuing the trend of Wall Street salaries shrinking alongside the workforce of highly paid traders, analysts and others as automation takes hold, pay for employees working in the securities industry fell 5.6% in 2018,when the average salary dropped to $398,600, according to the New York State Comptroller's Office. That's down from $422,500 in 2017, which was the highest average pay for the industry since the financial crisis.
Be prepared.

Run a bitcoin S and L

Banking Unbanked Bitcoiners

Yes, in a bitcoin S/L about a quarter point of the value will be unbacked bitcoin, the expected losses to savers and depositors when the bank goes belly up. What I mean is the market making risk of the currency banker is unbacked. But the total gain in efficiency will outweigh the risk by a wide margin.

Decompose the backing.

About five percent is the risky transfer of money from depositors to borrowers, pricing risk,  normally absorbed by the agents.

There is risk of borrower bankruptcy, but the S/L has all the available methods to track the scofflaw and seek partial payment, so that risk is contained.

The other risk is market making risk, the pit boss itself may go broke if it gets a depositor run. But, losing a quarter point? Not that big a deal. Remember, this is a profitless bank, collecting entry and exit fees or otherwise selling ads to offset costs.

Sandbox theory is great stuff, it is driving the modernization of the world at the moment and likely to lead to a singularity.

Obamacare taxes cost them four elections in a row

Vulnerable House Dems Wary Of Campaigning For Medicare For All In 2020 Race

But they have no choice, sorry.  Bernie and Liz have screwed the pooch on this.

Bernie is an interesting presidential candidate from Vermont since the biggest industry in Vermont is Medicare. Vermonters are all about 85 years old back there, that is all they do, visit the Medicare doctor.

And that is what this is about. To be precise, the idea is to tax the upper forty million families the 20k/yr needed to cover medical costs for the lower forty million.  The solution is unstable since the medical industry will deliver an infinite quantity at market price.

Now Democrat advocating the nonsense will get elected, not after the Obamacare tax fiasco.

Javascript nightmares and Linux

I watch a site, then attempt a scroll. The javascript, tons and tons of pages downloaded are a drag on my slow disc.  Then by the time the javascript completes, the dumb shit X Windows event queue has fouled up the past clicks and position. I am send me to an unknown spot where, once again I suffer the pages and pages of download. The solution is to close the page and try another tact.

Facebook is just as bad, by the way. Shit loads of worthless javascript to do a simple text message.  this is all going to collapse, the (fin)techies are getting pissed and likely to fix it, like Telegram may intervene with some intelligent digital liquidity.

The internet is fouled, jammed and the cause is Google and their javascript monster emitter. The solution is sandbox,  SecureID which can automatically buy off the ads before they Google starts loading me with shit loads of worthless javascript. Tim Cook, do your job, you should be fixing this mess.

Black Swanish

Record Low Temps, Up To 50 Degrees Below Normal, Threaten To Wreck Rest Of Harvest Season

First floods delay planting until late in the season, then comes the polar vortex. Is all this climate change?

Libra without the explicit coin

What is Revolut? 
It’s a debit account-app aimed at affluent people who travel, with services that undercut banks. For a monthly fee, Singaporean residents can open a debit account via their mobile, receive a Revolut card (plastic or metal), and use it to spend worldwide in Singaporean dollars or 12 other currencies. Revolut offers interbank rates for foreign exchange and free money withdrawals worldwide. In Europe, Revolut also offers free commissions on trading stocks or cryptocurrencies (like RobinHood in the U.S.).
Take Libra, throw away the coin and just have each app manage multiple currencies with a fair traded FX pit for exchange.  Revolt thus becomes a virtual digital coin in that in balance it acts as if there were a coin. In other words it is a trusted FX ledger with priced queues, but it is in and out in one transaction unlike bitcoin, which is in, then out at some asynchronous time later. With the efficient FX exchange they do not need a unique coin, but they cannot hedge the central banks with value storage.

Revolt requires smarts in the handheld and is limited to mobile devices. We need to upgrade the cart chip so folks can just get a smart credit card and do this. Apple? You listening?

Anyway, sandbox is being deployed at 'warp speed' as Jamie says.

Weitzman in the news

Prices vs. Quantities1 
That a person not versed in economics should think primarily in terms of direct controls is probably due to the fact that he does not comprehend the full subtlety and strength of the invisible hand argument. The economist's attitude is somewhat more puzzling. Understanding that prices can be used as a powerful and flexible instrument for rationally allocating resources and that in fact a market economy automatically regulates itself in this manner is very different from being under the impression that such indirect controls are generally preferable for the kind of problem considered in this paper. 
Wettzman is an old school sandboxer with some results . He is old school in that they had no sound quantization theory at the time.

Someone wrote a book on is work recently. Weitzman knows about market uncertainty, ex post and ex ante results.

Sandbox version:

Quantity is ex ante, pricing is ex post.  Producers and consumers balance the flows first, then the consumer goes home and balances the budget with price limits. Producers do the same.

We can see the difference in our everyday lives.  We jump on the short queues and bypass the long queues (standard mechanism to maintain quantization). Then go home and complain that gas prices are high.  Price is a ratio, ratios do not work until the currency banker has stabilized credit flows such that they simulated a continuous flow with finite precision. Once the quantity flow is stable, velocity equation works and the inventory clerk can order inventory at a profitable price (or not).

The Nash equilibrium occurs when all agents agree on market uncertainty, the arbitrage is gone. That is what Weitzman was really noticing at equilibrium ex post.  The interesting question is when pricing requires a requantization. Krugman was the one who actually introduced quantization theory, but he called it agglomoration. We know how it works,. goods flow through a constrained channel requires goods be delivered in quantum baskets which are partially full.

The post is a long form complicated read for me, two or three reads and I have not fully picked it apart, I rarely do, it is work.

Jews heart Kurds

When US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of American troops from northeastern Syria, Israeli politicians from Right and Left rushed to express their overt support and sympathy for the abandoned Kurds. Party leaders having nothing in common with each other – people who usually can’t stand being in the same room – were now speaking passionately on the Kurdish issue in practically the same words.
New Right MK Ayelet Shaked mentioned that “the creation of a Kurdish state is a vital Israeli interest,” while Blue and White MK Zvi Hauser, who called two years ago for the creation of a no-fly zone in the Kurdish-held areas in Syria, said: “Israel will send humanitarian aid to the Kurds.” MK Eli Avidar, of Yisrael Beytenu, cited the long history of relations between Israel and the Kurds and said that “Israel must stand with the Kurds.”
Kurds and Jews both have a heavy dose of the Ice Gene, they do abstract thought. They are both born eons ago in the slave struggles of pre-historic middle east. Natural friends these days.

A polite way of putting it

Is California Becoming Premodern?

More than 2 million Californians were recently left without power after the state’s largest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric — which filed for bankruptcy earlier this year — preemptively shut down transmission lines in fear that they might spark fires during periods of high autumn winds.

Consumers blame the state for not cleaning up dead trees and brush, along with the utility companies for not updating their ossified equipment. The power companies in turn fault the state for so over-regulating utilities that they had no resources to modernize their grids.

Californians know that having tens of thousands of homeless in their major cities is untenable. In some places, municipal sidewalks have become open sewers of garbage, used needles, rodents, and infectious diseases. Yet no one dares question progressive orthodoxy by enforcing drug and vagrancy laws, moving the homeless out of cities to suburban or rural facilities, or increasing the number of mental hospitals.

Taxpayers in California, whose basket of sales, gasoline, and income taxes is the highest in the nation, quietly seethe while immobile on antiquated freeways that are crowded, dangerous and under nonstop makeshift repair.
The post really means California is becoming Calizuela.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


The pressure of a flowing mass goes as area squared, and we want flow constrained.  We have:

(x+i)^2 - (x-i)^2 = constant

This is deterministic constrained flow, hyperbolic.

Now, as I suggest to the Money Market Theory blog, just take that equation and use it for credit allocation with one proviso. We risk adjust all depositors and borrowers to six bit arithmetic.  Otherwise the S/L operates as normal in sandbox (risk adjusted, equal looks at the trade book, asynchronous intervention by the market maker to keep within the constant).

Limiting the agents to six bits is equivalent to a rank 6 structured queue.  The rank of the queue will be set via risk equalization of agents.  The market making risk will arbitrage free and that means the round off error will be non-repeating. 

What is the most arbitrage free ratio? Phi, that L/S ratio generates the maximum liquidity for the agents, it maximizes L/S times delta L/S which maximizes the second derivative, liquidity. But we never reach Phi, we do not have the precision.  The fair trades two color channel follows this rule, the market maker always bouncing over and under the optimum ratio.

They will do continuing resolution

Impeachment on collision course with possible shutdown

Drone stuff from Bloomberg

The Drone Wars Are Already Here
The skies of Syria, Yemen, and Libya swarm with armed and dangerous unmanned aerial vehicles. And the technology is spreading farther and farther afield.
They agree with me. We will be having drone vs drone for a long time. Dunno what we are going to do with all the flying cockpits.

Not transgender

It is very unlikely that this show person is going to do girlie things.

He is a showman, and entertainer. There is nothing girly in the clothes, the hair is unisex.

This story was mostly about librarians picking a lousy entertainer for the kids.  I doubt any of the kids thought this was girlie show. The librarians are likely confused about what constitutes girlie stuff and manly stuff.

Here is a girlie thing: The girl puts on her jeans and goes to the library to read a history book for class.  That is a girlie thing.

I look at my neighborhood. and see that about 90% of the girls wear unisex jeans and just tie their hair back, pretty much like the boys. We have a few drag queens, easily noticed as  they are all dressed up with makeup, and none of the real girls generally do that.

The Supremes and default part three

What if government defaulted before we had a New Fed?

The default goes to the Supremes, and the Supremes order to make good. How? The Supremes, like any bankruptcy judge can order Congress to sell an asset. What asset? The Fed, or course, and we are complete.

The Fed is sold to a non-profit for 8T, payments due over 15 years. The problem is solved.  The Supremes are stuck, selling an asset to cover debt is perfectly within the framework of the 14th Amendment.

Does this violate the right to coin? No, Congress still has an opt out, for a fee. But Congress will not exercise the exit as it becomes adapted to the new system, especially if we get a Constitution Adjustment act foe the small states going extinct. In other words, we cheat. Congress, or the Senate, is fucked in any even as the five small states go extinct. So that additional pressure gets us the Senate votes we need as we save Wyoming an Vermont from death.

As long as there is a paycheck for South Carolina

But in recent days, Facebook has wavered as progressives have tested the limits of its policy. Over the weekend, the company took down an ad that falsely claimed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) supports the Green New Deal. A left-leaning political action committee, the Really Online Lefty League, had posted the ad, and Facebook said it took the action because the ad came from a political action group, not a politician, and therefore different rules applied.

AOC intends to burns 10 trillion in CO2 pursuing her Green new Deal. Of that 10 trillion, even a hundred billion or so to South Carolina would get Lindsey's support.  I am not quite sure he is not a supporter.

What happens when Liz advertises free Medicare for All, a complete lie?  Or AOC claiming she is going to refreeze ten trillion in melted ice after her favorite parties get their goodies. Or Kamal claiming she is not just another affirmative action skirt from California? Or mayor Garcetti promising a million refugees condos in LA?

It is all going to fail political check, so the only solution is to political check them all.  Zuck's real problem is that progressives want to lie while conservatives and libertarians are forced to fact check. The progressives will lose, they lose political support when we all discover that Zuck has a biased system in their favor.

What if I ran a political ad that said Trump was a bit of dufas.  It happens to be true, many repubs would agree.  Would Zuck take that down?

This article is from Vox, famous for lying in service of progressive, and they state their bias quite clearly in the article. Since Vox has a known bias and is fairly incompetent anyway, Zuck should take down any of their posted stuff.

Vox gets one thing straight, the problem is not going away, especially since almost all political speech contains some untruth.

Sounds like religion to me

We will have to construct new norms of social, educational, fiscal and climate justice through democratic discussion. These norms will have to say no to the present hyper concentration of economic power. On the contrary, the economy of the 21st century must be based on the permanent circulation of power, wealth and knowledge.

I doubt our MMT contract is this philosophical.
This seems like something that might appear in church, not economics.

A little more than a half point in transaction fees

Bitcoin Just Hit $1 Billion in All-Time Transaction Fees

Market value about 160 billion.

Try stating the obvious

Big Cities Lure Smart People. Don't Fight It, Fed Economists Say |
As America’s most skilled knowledge workers gravitate to the biggest cities, policy makers elsewhere in the country are trying to stem the flow out of concern about a widening wealth gap.
Those efforts are misguided, economists at Princeton University and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond argue in a new paper.
The study says “cognitive non-routine” or CNR workers are more productive when they’re clustered in the same place, typically a large metropolis. They’re “too valuable” to be distributed across smaller towns, which would amount to a “waste of resources,” the authors write.

They argue that any resulting inequality is better addressed via taxes on the high-earning urban hub workers and subsidies for their lower-paid peers outside -- essentially a version of Universal Basic Income for the latter group. The authors calculate that with a transfer of around $17,000 per high-skill worker per year, everyone can come out ahead.
You have a problem, and your soluton is almost.

You need to correct the small state large state conundrum, or you need to change the Constitution.  The latter is impossible, so the solution is the Constitutional Adjustment Act, pay off the Senate as the second budget item after interest charges.  Senate mal proportionality is the cause, a Coasian fee is the solution.

Sandbox theory. Find the constrained flow and see what the quantization looks like. In this case, imagin a flow of government goods from the Swamp to the states. You will see the value chain through the Seante require complex quantizatrion.  Just give the states an equal quantity of cash up from and the small states will arrive at their own quantization. And that result eliminates all the complex price fixing and ear marks in House programs.

See ya later Kamalagator

Kamala Harris to slash staff, restructure campaign as she hemorrhages cash

No, we are not electing an affirmative action appointee from Calizuela.

Except we are not a democracy, we are a republic

A diverse intern-to-member pipeline will lead to a truer representation of our democracy

And the Hill is demonstrating some stupidity today.

Green conundrum

Use renewable money for a grid upgrade?
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is not the only one fed up with PG&E’s latest round of power shutoffs.
Republicans representing the area affected by last year’s deadly Camp Fire are calling on the utility to spend more money to harden its grid and buy better equipment.

But the mechanism for their proposal is unique: Temporarily halting a popular state law Democrats passed last year requiring California to get 100 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2045.
Spend on renewables and spew tons for CO2 from fires, or reverse the policy? What will California environmentalists do?  The calculation is likely too difficult for them.

Foreign policy by sarcasm

Trump’s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syria’s Oil

Trump is tired of the military expense in cleaning up Hillary's middle east mess. 

His point is, if the middle east need help in self government from the USA then we are taking the oil.  It is meant as a message to dipshit small state senators who get us into these messes without a clue, and a message to middle east nations to get some better genetics pretty quickly.

The solution is to let the nine small states go extinct so we can raise the intelligence of the Senate by a smidge.

That was Bush's debt you idiot

Trump assumes Obama's mantle as the 'king of debt'

Armstrong Williams is a liar. Look at the deficit Bush left, something like 10% of the economy. Obama reduced the deficit at the fast rate ever recorded in post war history.

Republicans are the Kings of debt, Reagan, lil Bush and Trump.

This liar is a media manager,  he is part of the fake news system.

Syria needs the Kurds to whoop the Turks

Turkish forces reportedly clashed with Syrian government troops in northeastern Syria on Wednesday, signaling that a peace deal brokered by Russia between Kurdish forces in the region and Ankara may not hold.
Reuters reported that Turkish troops clashed with Syrian government forces, who were invited into the region by Kurdish forces, south of the border town of Ras al Ain.
What is Assad going to do? Kurds are the smarter, better organized army.

Destined for extinction

  1. Wyoming (Population: 572,381)
  2. Vermont (Population: 627,180)
  3. District of Columbia (Population: 711,571)
  4. Alaska (Population: 735,720)
  5. North Dakota (Population: 760,900)
  6. South Dakota (Population: 892,631)

Try reading the Constitution

McConnell: Impeachment measure denies Trump ‘basic rights’

You will find his rights restricted by impeachment.  Trump can get all his rights back by resigning, if he wants them back.

Insurance cut

The blue is the effective federal funds, the red is the one year.

We can see the Fed trying to get ahead of the one year, like for the fist time in history even. This is an interesting test as the'slow down' tipping point has already occurred.

I still doubt a recession, but the doldrums is where we are. It all really depends on whether California slips into recession.

Send her district the bill at 20k per migrant

Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), on Wednesday got in a heated exchange with Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Ohio) over a health care decision affecting migrants.

They will be glad to pay it. Her constituents would also be happy to house the migrants in their spare condos, no problem. Send them back there for medical and housing, take the crunch off California.

I always assumed Reagan was illiterate


It is likely a tiny library.

Turkey can vote to condemn the US Vietnam genocide

Turkey says U.S. vote on Armenia genocide will damage ties

And make it even, one asshole nation to another.

God may not be on your side, Schumer


I Pray That Trump Doesn’t Shut Down The Government As A Diversion From Impeachment
God noticed that during the last shut down that airport managers learned how to manage airports without government holding their hand.  That would be positive, in God's eyes, I think.

And what horrors did God observe during the last government shutdown?  Mainly liar politicians, and their economists, did not have access to debt markets.  Perhaps God likes that method of governing?

Trump bought into Nunes crap?

Nunes acolyte misrepresented himself to Trump as Ukraine expert

Nunes is dufas squared out here in California.  His district is just up the road from me, the guys antics are in the news daily. Nunes sued some guy who accused him of milking a fake cow, for chrissakes. 

 Trump you idiot, pay attention, get some brains.

GDP growth 1.9%

Better than the expected 1`.7
But this is before the Cal fires have been priced. I expect to see a revision down to 1.6 or so.

This is still close to stall speed in California where pension payments need at least 2.2% growth (the average over the last cycle).

Failed Hispanic State

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, 

The US Census Bureau released new poverty data this month, and California once again has the nation's highest poverty rate, according to the "Supplemental Poverty Measure."
According to the SPM, California's poverty rate in 2018 was 18.1 percent, followed by Louisiana with 16.5 percent, and Florida, with 16.2 percent.
The states with the lowest poverty rates per the period were Iowa at 6.7 percent, Minnesota at 7 percent, and Kansas at 7.8 percent.
And in Trumps political ads?

'Vamos to Victory': Trump’s Spanish ads skirt immigration, warn of socialism

A not so subtle warning on failed Hispanic state in Texas. California is bad enough.

Congress currently pays the 50 year rate

The U.S. Treasury Department Is Exploring a 50-Year Bond for the First Time

I can see his point.

Take interest charges by total debt and we get about 2.5%. The thirty year rate is 2.3%, and we have a flat curve putting us at about the 50 year rate.

The reason, of course, is we picked up a ton of debt when the ten year was 3.5% and Krugman said that was low, at the time. Krugman was wrong. Now we be screwed with excess interest charges.

Comcast fails at internet

Their ability to look up URL is down about 10 percent of the time.  Some URLs may work, mainly those from google sites notably. But Comcast almost always fails on the others abotu 10% of the time. I goes through periods in which it seem to be bringing up their URL function after a crash.  I suspect the CEOs relative got the job and is clueless.

We know more about cycles today then in the 1990s

The Greenspan rate cuts

The Federal Reserve will likely cut interest rates when it announces its latest monetary policy decision later this afternoon. It will be the Fed's third cut this year and its third cut in as many meetings.
In his preview of Wednesday's events, Yahoo Finance's Fed correspondent Brian Cheung broke down how some Wall Street economists have harkened back to the mid-90s rate cutting cycle as a guide for the Powell Fed.
Adaption result when one looks back and sees the pattern.

 Today we can look back and see both the monetary cycles and the recession cycle.  But more than that we can see the small state cycles as many small states go extinct.  With the additional past knowledge the future knowledge is better hedged.

Not only that, we know more about economics, way more, then we knew ten or forty years ago.

The answer to why we cycle is simply that we are a republic not a proportional democracy.  Extending that fact to alternating eight year budget cycles between parties explains the rest. The solution is the Constitutional Adjustment Act, simply pay off the Senate up front to compensate. We know that works because Coase still stands, it survives the new economic theory.  The new economic theory is simple, we do not like to wait in line.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Horse manure

Perhaps the most fundamental truth of monetary economics that the government can always boost (or reduce) the flow of spending, and in a sticky-price world thus drive the flow of production and employment wherever it wants.

If the USA government tried any of this guy's crap the Senate would shut immediately. 

This is a fundamental delusion. Not worth reading this horseshit, this is Berkeley trying to establish a multiplier out of thin air, Romer stuff that should have been discarded years ago.  Congress is a sticky market, like all the others.  Our government does shut downs, so where in Brad's delusion does he think a government that practices shutdowns will fulfill Romer's delusional result?

In California, government cannot keep the lights on much less do anything else of consequence. Brad is simply way off base in his delusional tribe, a worthless economists with no understanding of our governments.  That is plural as in more than one overlapping government. Brad is so delusional he cannot count the overlapping government we have. 

If you are a student, discount anything he says.
 This truth has never been proved, it is just a delusion from Berkeley. If you like to live in a fantasy world go to the Berkeley economics department.

Same way California fouled up the utilities

Baltimore Is One Step Closer to Income-Based Water Billing

When  a city like Baltimore loses the smart people then legislation goes to the knee jerkers, failed staters. Take Detroit, add Chicago, then now Baltimore. No sense of separation of powers leads to failed state every time.


Young worker are leaving, richer workers are leaving, skilled workers are leaving.

Primary dealers going full sandbox

JPMorgan Is Now Giving Its Coders Licenses To Deal In Equities
The line between coders and traders at investment banks is starting to blur even further.
And leading the charge is JP Morgan, whose coders have now obtained licenses to deal in equities, according to Bloomberg.

The bank got regulatory approvals this month for two of its coders in London and New York to trade cash equities. JP Morgan is targeting eight more licenses for coders, globally, by the end of the year.

Jason Sippel, the bank’s head of global equities, said: “This is about convergence of the trader and quant. It’s moving at warp speed and re-inventing what the trading floor looks like.”
The move comes at a time when the largest investment banks have shelled out billions to automate trading while competition heats up. JP Morgan plans to deploy more than $11 billion just on technology initiatives alone this year. CEO Jamie Dimon has said that keeping up with technology is "critical" to the bank's mission of gaining market share.

As such, JP Morgan is placing even more faith into its quants.
A little late but not too bad for JPM the leader. Nice work, Jaime. Your coders read my blog.

We have government shut down all the time

Schumer: 'Increasingly worried' Trump will shut down government over impeachment

What the frigg is Schumer talking about. I count three or four government shutdowns since 1980. We do government shutdowns, it is a necessary part of governance in our republic.

By raising taxes on their children?

Congress should act to protect seniors from higher health costs

Another delusional.

How does this work in Vermont?  The children are leaving to go elsewhere so they can afford the taxes needed to take care of mom and dad in a dying state.  

Some of these posts are naive, just from the title.

China is about to get funny with the money

China Warns Against Cryptocurrency ‘Speculation’ Amid Blockchain Hype

A warning from Commie Rats on bitcoin is a warning to grab bitcoin now as the Commie Rats are about to do something stupid.
Bitcoin is now$ 9500. It should rise on the Commie warning.
The breakout signal is Commie Rat warning.

Less government for each borrowed dollar

Government non-interest expense for each dollar of interest expense.  How much more government do we get for each borrowed dollar?

Less, the slope is trending down. A good deal of our interest expense is tied up and refinancing the  Reagan/Bush bailout of Texas as well as bunch of other money losing programs.

Consider the ten year rate, declining almost continually since 1980. The means Krugman convinces us to spend today with the high rates of yesterday. We end up paying the Krugman bonus to wealthy people by being so cyclic.

The life of a mohummer

Syrian IS prison hell hole.

When you get religious delusions without the ice gene.

You represent a failed state

Kamala Harris thinks Democrats aren’t ready for a black woman president

And you do not look black anyway. 

Why not accept reality, the Swamp cannot afford a Californian president and one will not be elected for a long time. We do not like failed Hispanic states, sorry. Just ask the Mexicans who are fleeing cartel land, we do not want cartel land in the USA.

I mentioned this would happen

Chelsea, Lately The former First Daughter is, at 39, trying to figure out what her own life looks like.

Who wants to spend their life catering to a shell shock and disturbed mother?

NCAA contract renegotiated nation wide because of California

NCAA will allow athletes to cash in on fame

The interesting part is that our failed Hispanic legislature had absolutely no clue that this side effect would occur. They do not have the ability in abstract thought to work the side effects prior to enactment.

Now we have  thousands athletic departments around the nation have to reorganize. California does public transit with the same level of stupidity.

Gavin is clueless, as usual. He and the legislature had no idea the that NCAA was a contract, voluntary agreed to by the schools.

Sounds like California

The former CEO of trucking company Scania has warned that Sweden is heading towards civil war due to uncontrolled mass immigration.
In an interview with Swebbtv, businessman Leif Östling said that the arrival of so many new migrants who have failed to integrate into Swedish society is creating a fertile ground for violent unrest.
“We’ve taken in far too many people from outside. And we have. Those who come from the Middle East and Africa live in a society that we left almost a hundred years ago,” he said.
Explosions and grenade attacks have skyrocketed in many Swedish cities, with much of the unrest being blamed on migrant gangs. Sexual assaults and violent crime is also on the rise.
Immigration from failed states coupled with low population growth, a kind of reverse evolution.  Another example of Keynesian war crimes. Illinois has a related problem also a case of Keynesian war crimes.

Persia screws up

You cannot protest in the Middle East. That has become clear in Iraq, as more than 200 people have been murdered by snipers and security forces. On Tuesday, Hezbollah and supporters of the Amal Party attacked a peaceful protest in Beirut, scattering soldiers and civilians and destroying their tents.
Iran and its allies are concerned that protests will challenge its attempts to slowly consume Lebanon and Iraq. Any mass mobilization of young people or anyone who wants to dissent must be crushed. In Iraq, it is being crushed with bullets and tear gas canisters purposely fired at people’s heads. In Lebanon, in front of the world’s media where Hezbollah tries to pretend it is a normal political party “defending” Lebanon, it is crushed differently. But in the end, Hezbollah, the “resistance,” is only good at bullying average people and silencing them, just as it silenced former prime minister Rafic Hariri with a car bomb in 2005. Today, Rafic’s son, Saad, is set to resign as prime minister. It has been over 14 years since his father was murdered and the rage from the murder helped push Syria to leave Lebanon and momentarily left Hezbollah stunned.
I can see why the Mohummers whooped them 1500 years ago.

Iran is full of protesters just like the ones Iran killed in Iraq. Iranians protest quite often, by the way and soon will be protesting right along with the Iraqis. So whatever Iran is up to it seems they are blundering rather badly.  Over time, as Iran falls apart from Bearded Religious idiocy, the Kurds will gain autonomy. Maybe Iran is a failed state, need partitioning.

The way to protect the right to lie is to lie

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he won’t release a plan showing how he’d pay for Medicare for All, claiming, “I don’t think I have to do that right now.”
Sanders and fellow 2020 contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) have jockeyed with rivals who say Sanders’s plan for a government takeover of the health sector—which Warren supports—is impossible because of the high costs it would bring.

Warren has repeatedly refused to say whether the plan would cause taxes for the middle class to rise; Sanders has said it would, but has never provided a plan showing how Medicare for All would be funded.
Why not lie? Liz and Warren want the right to lie from Zuck, Bernie should get it too.

A case of post traumatic shock

Bitter Hillary Clinton Doesn't Like Tulsi Gabbard, Donald Trump — Or Anyone Else

Good thing we never let her in the White House with that kind of susceptibility. She would have gone full LBJ, we saved ourselves.

Repubs should get the Nixon Shock done before losing

 All of this is unfolding while the economy still looks strong, and before public impeachment proceedings have officially begun.
  • House Republicans in swing districts are retiring at a very fast pace, especially in the suburbs of Texas and elsewhere. (Republicans talk grimly of the "Texodus.") Rep. Greg Walden — the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and the only Republican in Oregon's congressional delegation — yesterday shocked the party by becoming the 19th GOP House member to not seek re-election.
  • The Republican Senate majority, once considered relatively safe, suddenly looks in serious jeopardy. Democrats are raising more money, and polling better, than Republican incumbents in battleground after battleground.
  • President Trump trails every major Democratic candidate nationally and in swing states — and his favorable ratings remain well under 50%.

The biggest recent change is Republicans' increasingly precarious hold on the Senate.
National Journal's Josh Kraushaar writes in his "Against the Grain" column that "the pathway for a narrow Democratic takeover of the upper chamber is looking clearer than ever": "If Trump doesn’t win a second term, Democrats only need to net three seats to win back the majority."

If Trump doesn't do it, then the Dems have little to offer in a victory except a long period of deflation.

Scientists have named it evolution

Social Inequality Leaves a Genetic Mark  

Just from the title one can tell the post is in denial about evolution, which I understand is considered scientific fact. This is from one of the delusional tribe, Naked Capitalism.

AOC and Liz are the two biggest liars in politics

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren got behind the Facebook employees slamming Mark Zuckerberg for allowing lies in political ads

Liz plans to hit us with enormous Medicare taxes.  AOC intends to choke us all with CO2 on her New Green Deal.  No one believes their crap and the only way they get Facebook ads is corruption or Zuck allows lies.

Zuck has no choice. If he calls AOC a truth teller he will be laughed out of business.

Shiller's herd behavior

It is in the chart, it is the herding of government that causes it.

Herd behaviour in asset markets: The role of monetary policy

This column introduces a new CEPR Policy Insight which throws light on the root causes of speculative fevers in asset markets and related financial booms and busts. It shows empirical evidence indicating that Shiller may have overlooked the role that lax monetary policy played in triggering financial bubbles in the 2000s by offering investors a perverse promise of ever-increasing asset prices.
How would Shiller have missed the obvious government cycles which cause rate cycles?  And we see that these cycles are part of a longer term monetary cycle. And the longer term cycles will be ties to the small state extinction cycle.

The stock market acts as a temporary bank when the central bank goes into government bailout mode.  We are fully into government bailout mode at the moment.

Economist looking for godot

Wanted: A Global Green New Deal

Then he can say,'This time is different'.

Economists solving the central banking problem

An Attempt to Sort out the Fed's Overnight Market Issues

How does currency banking really work?
Steve Williamson seems to be nailing the issue, as is Beckworth. Starting to talk about the Fed as market maker for supply and demand of liquidity, and all the implications. That set of economists seems to be doing its work.

It is a difficult subject

Exactly How Much Does the Mainstream Literature Ignore Demographics?

Discussing demographics is fraught with political correctness. 

It doesn't bother me, I can tell the truth. The millennials cannot afford boomer pensions. Just look at Chicago.

Monday, October 28, 2019

You mean the ice gene

Debate Professor: Science Is A Projection Of Whiteness
“Our argument will be that space is not real. It’s not real. Science, technology, it’s all fake. It’s a projection of white fantasies that has worked to control our interpretation of how the world works.” That’s the statement of a college debate professor talking with his class. He added, “None of us have had the privilege of going to f**king space to verify that there’s these stars and these galaxies and these planets.”

The gene you acquire from a few generations in Kurdish territory which send you up to Sweden. Unless you get the Jewish version of the gene which sends you back to Israel.

It is why white people can throw a basket ball accurately without the basketball. We needed that skill to get around in snow country.

But he is right, it is all in the semantics, we name the generators in our head.  I have a couple of them, from my old basketball days, and they will count out spatial objects at established spectral rates.

I run one called 'solar' it shoots little neurons at almost the frequency in which I see stars and planets. Then when someone says space, my brain tickets that generator.  It is like a search engine.

When I look, my generators try to match the eye movements, also like the new search engine with adaptive search semantics. My brain has a join chip it executes the code on the right in one of the software listing. We call this generator matching 'abstract thought', like playing the Lakers in my head. The adaption is a process above my join chip, happens at night and is about building neural synapses.

That is the ice gene, treat yourself like an unbiased machine. I contributes to separation of powers, a necessity in snow country.

Well regulated against who?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,.."

The intent was to protect the 'people' from the police? OK, I can by that. The well regulated police is restricted from shooting at whim.

The rest of it is duplicated nonsense since the freedom to trade and the necessity of manufacturing arms for a militia are guaranteed elsewhere. The right if private ownership being a necessity, without the second part, implies the private ownership is well regulated. Well regulated being the dominant theme of gun ownership, from public to private militia.

If the original intent was personal unregulated freedom it was because of the technology at the time. We still grandfather in single shot muzzle loaders, it is immaterial. We still allow personal ownership of a truck load of arms, they have to be shipped.

Black Swanish

As over a dozen fires burned across California, thousands of people were evacuated and millions were still without power on Monday.

Fifteen major fires were burning from Northern to Southern California as of midday Monday, per Cal Fire.

The largest among them, the Kincade fire in Sonoma county, was blazing since Wednesday and had torn through over 66,000 acres as of early Monday ― more than tripling its size over the weekend when over 100 mph winds blew through the region. The fire ― which was still only 5% contained even as over 4,000 firefighters battled it ― has so far destroyed almost 100 buildings. Around 180,000 people have been evacuated around Sonoma due to the fire.

Meanwhile, the Getty fire, which started in the early hours of Monday near West Los Angeles, reached over 600 acres by 12 p.m. The fire destroyed eight homes, damaged at least five more and was 0% contained. The ongoing blaze has spurred evacuations and school closures around West Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Celebrities including Arnold Schwarzenegger and LeBron James have evacuated.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) declared a statewide emergency on Sunday in response to the many blazes. More than 3,000 people spent Sunday night in Red Cross and other shelters, per the American Red Cross.

Meanwhile, electric utility PG&E shut off power to over 2 million people over the weekend in Northern California in an effort to prevent further fires ― the largest-ever such power shutdown by the company.
I can see knocking a half point off of GDP.  This is not priced, this is after GDP was set down to 1.7%, this can be stall speed.

Gavin is clueless. If the answer is forest clear out then let the loggers in and hire the kids for clearing brush. Make the hard choice else this snow balls. Warren Buffet cannot help with any of this, except advice and he will tell you the same. Find a forest expert without priors.

Chile balance of trade

Chile in rebellion has low government debt, government debt is reasonably priced. And they have extreme wealth inequality. And we see here they had a period of  trade turbulence which has not gone away completely.

So, I am think they have fewer people making not so good decisions decisions somewhere. It is not all the fault of the elite, the trade turbulence coincides with the 2008 crash.

This seems like a small potatoes fix.  But I am still figuring on it. They seem quite profitable. But consumer purchase from abroad have been dismal lately, and Chile is not a consumer good producer. They export minerals and wood products.  That is a low rank generators, lot of trade estimation errors result.  They are stuck with volatile commodity exports, in sandbox that is a low rank generator, little spectral density. (Only two lines at the checkout counter).

But geography matters:
Chile is a long, tapered stretch of land in the south west of Latin America. Its geography extends from the Antarctic in the extreme south to the Atacama Desert in the north, the most arid in the world.

Main job, tax the rich and educate the peasants. The closest model that comes to mind is Japan, but that is way off scale.

There goes the Redneck myth of evolution

Lush Okavango Delta Pinpointed as Ancestral Homeland of All Living Humans
Genetic evidence traces our origins to a hunter-gatherer community that lived 200,000 years ago, but the study has generated controversy

We was taught that we was naturals of the Kentuck Mountains.

The Power Law Distribution

Stunning wealth, poor services behind massive Chile protests

But a few dominate the wealthiest.

The result is Chile revolt, I presume. This one will learn me something as it unfolds, I can tell. I have priors. My priors tell me to look at economic efficiency.  Why does their economy rely on fewer people making larger decisions?

How convenient

The U.S. Treasury this week releases the next stage of its strategy to cover a deficit that’s expected to surpass $1 trillion this fiscal year, as the department continues to search for new ways to attract buyers for its record debt issuance.

It needn’t agonize just yet, however. For the next few months the Federal Reserve will be scooping bills out of the market -- part of its effort to calm the repo market -- about as fast as the government can pour them in.

Dealers roughly agree on the contours of Wednesday’s quarterly refunding announcement. They reckon the Treasury will keep auctions of 3-, 10- and 30-year debt unchanged next week at a record total of $84 billion. Wall Street also expects updates on two proposals: An issue linked to SOFR, which is the benchmark borrowing rate that’s intended to replace Libor, and a 20-year bond.
Which is why the Fed always follows the one year Treasury.  The Fed cooperates with the primary dealer system and the primary dealer system is a bit congested at the moment.

Then listen to non-left wing proponents of MMT

Dr. Doom warns on MMT:
Left-wing proponents of so-called Modern Monetary Theoryargue that larger permanent fiscal deficits are sustainable when monetized during periods of economic slack, because there is no risk of runaway inflation.
The left wing attempt at MMT quickly evolves into a Nixon Shock, or an FDR shock, or a Hamtionian Shock,..... and on and on.  This is the factual result of their delusions.

The other view of MMT is, so what? It is still a good idea. Why fake it?  MMT allows us to declare losses on about 8 trillion in bonehead federal programs. If we do not write off the horse manure then the Senate stops, and that is factual history.

Millennials have no moral or legal or financial cause to pay for a bunch of Boomer crap they never voted for. More importantly, the Constitution gives millennials the right to coin.

Should the Fed cut?

We have the one year Treasury and the Fed target from the past and the Fed lower limit from today.  The pattern is clear, the Fed follows the one year.

But look at the end of the series, the two rates match. The Fed having no clue would hold off on the next cut.  If the Fed is changing its pattern that would be interesting.

Sandbox effect

A new report via Bloomberg details how JPMorgan Chase & Co. is preparing for the next economic downturn by weighing the option to relocate its Manhattan headquarters to lower-cost financial hubs such as ones in Plano, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; and Wilmington, Delaware.
JPM spokesman Joe Evangelisti told Bloomberg the bank's new headquarters (likely to be in Texas), will house twice the number of employees than its Manhattan office.
Banking can move anywhere, the digital digits will follow.  JPM is a complete liquidity net unto themselves no need for the constant reports back to central banking.

So is New Jersey, I hear

Trump: Chicago Is an Embarrassment to the US

I doubt Trump thinks much of California. He may like Texas except for the mass shootings. Wyoming and Vermont are extinct.  Not much left except New Yorkers retiring in Florida.

Omnigodlies, omigodlies, omigodlies we are doomed

Lebanon Bans Removal Of Large Dollar Sums From Country Amid Bank Run "Panic"

Levantt paper you are lost but can bitcoin from now on.

What if bitcoin is hedged? Since a regular pattern of hedging central bank emerge, and bitcoin now has futures; we can bet on central bank innovations coming up. Like Dudley here: wouldn’t take much to trigger [a recession], which is why the Fed should take out some insurance by providing added stimulus this week...
OK, that is a bitcoin betting proposition. Stimulus means out of equilibrium, an innovation coming up in the central bank. One should bid bitcoin a tad higher in the future.  Then all the primary dealers do the same, biut bitcoin a tad higher, and they are short money to make Treasury liquid.

Nor will the publlc sector

The private sector alone will not deliver the energy transition FT

The Tort system makes energy transitions.

But FT will have priors, the article is likely not worth reading. We have gone through all the possibilities and concluded that the public sector is likely gong to be a hindrance. I have already demonstrated that a tort attempt to get compensation is generally blocked by the political sector first.

It is the political sector, specifically the public sector supported by FT, that wants to engage in inflation adjustments first, tort penalties second. That is a recipe for chocking on CO2.

Hunter most likely did the right thing

Joe Biden Says Hunter "Did Nothing Wrong" While Sitting On Board Of Ukrainian Gas Company

The evidence is that Burisma legitimately wanted to get clean but were hindered by a corrupt prosecutor who wanted bribes. Hunter's job was to get a clean prosecutor so Burisma could count up its penalties and pay them and they did as far as I know.

If Hunter used his dad to help, so be it. Burism had a right to legitimately pay their fines and sell natural gas.

Bombing mohummers has become competitive sport

BEIRUT (AP) — The commander of Syria’s Kurdish forces says his group’s intelligence unit carried out a joint operation with U.S. troops in northern Syria hours after the killing of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, targeting his right-hand man and IS spokesman.

The commander, Mazloum Abdi, says that Abu Hassan al-Muhajir was killed late on Sunday near Jarablus, a town in northwestern Syria.
Each faction vying for first place in the league.

European priests still prefer children

Hmmm: Vatican Synod Proposes Married Priests For The Amazon

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Applied regularly it becomes a tax

Argentina’s Frontrunner Signals Bond Haircut of About 20%

The haircut is anticipated, and loan origination rates rise to cover it.

The same thing happened with Fed QE. Goldman Sachs simply estimated the seigniorage due and raised ten year rates on Treasury to compensate. I remember it well because I look at the chart and saw the ten year rate go up. We had thse dozens of economists all saying the rates went done until  Jim Hamilton looked at the chart and verifies the Y axis gets large going up. 

It was at that point I noticed a  disconnect with many economists at the time. They were all reciting talking points, no one was actually looking at the charts.

Facebook allows false political ad

(Heuters) - Facebook Inc said on Saturday that it will allow an ad which falsely claimed that U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham supported the AOC  Green New Deal, demonstrating that it will not fact-check ads from political groups or politicians.
Lindsey Graham responded by noting that all deficit spending is great. He doubled the amount, AOC only wanted to burn 10 T in CO2, but Lindsey says," If AOC wants to warm the globe, fine, let us double the amount".

Swarming drones defeat human cockpits every time

Turkey is close to reaching a deal with Moscow over the purchase of Su-35 fighter jets as well as co-manufacturing some components of the Russian-made jets, Turkish sources said Friday.
Turkish and Russian officials are discussing the details of the sale of a total of 36 Su-35 fighter jets to Turkey, two months after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's visit to the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS) aviation show outside of Moscow.
Sources added that officials are also discussing Turkey's possible involvement in the production of some components of the fighter jets, including its precision weapons and ammunition.
At a visit to MAKS-2019 on Aug. 27, Erdoğan was shown the newest generation of Russian stealth aircraft, the Su-57 fighter jet, Su-35 fighter jets, the Ka-52 military helicopter and Mi-38 transport helicopter.
Kurdish kids build drones that can swarm onto any fighter jet crash it or chase it away.

Just hilarious

Now that Rahm Emanuel doesn’t need to worry about running for reelection as the Mayor of Chicago or grooming any Clintons for the White House, he has time on his hands and the freedom to say things that may be unpopular in his own party. This weekend he took full advantage of his unfettered position with an op-ed in the Washington Post where he takes his party to task for their obsession with Medicare For All.
Rahm also escaped he Democrat catastrophe of four lost elections because of Obamacare.  Liz Warren has pretty much lost the election  for the Dems.  Dems are stuck with Biden if they want to win.  Hillary re-entering would be a disaster for the Dems.

Like curing bad parents by giving the kid a lobotomy

Even some severely obese preteens should be considered for weight loss surgery, according to new recommendations.

Hillary is nutty

Former adviser to President Clinton Dick Morris said Sunday that Hillary Clinton most likely wants to get into the 2020 presidential race because she thinks “God put her on the Earth” to be president.

Trump is dufas, simply uneducated and having limited ability with abstract thinking. 
But Hillary is pure nutty, she is a potential LBJ, a true danger.