Monday, October 28, 2019

Chile balance of trade

Chile in rebellion has low government debt, government debt is reasonably priced. And they have extreme wealth inequality. And we see here they had a period of  trade turbulence which has not gone away completely.

So, I am think they have fewer people making not so good decisions decisions somewhere. It is not all the fault of the elite, the trade turbulence coincides with the 2008 crash.

This seems like a small potatoes fix.  But I am still figuring on it. They seem quite profitable. But consumer purchase from abroad have been dismal lately, and Chile is not a consumer good producer. They export minerals and wood products.  That is a low rank generators, lot of trade estimation errors result.  They are stuck with volatile commodity exports, in sandbox that is a low rank generator, little spectral density. (Only two lines at the checkout counter).

But geography matters:
Chile is a long, tapered stretch of land in the south west of Latin America. Its geography extends from the Antarctic in the extreme south to the Atacama Desert in the north, the most arid in the world.

Main job, tax the rich and educate the peasants. The closest model that comes to mind is Japan, but that is way off scale.

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