Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Supremes and default part three

What if government defaulted before we had a New Fed?

The default goes to the Supremes, and the Supremes order to make good. How? The Supremes, like any bankruptcy judge can order Congress to sell an asset. What asset? The Fed, or course, and we are complete.

The Fed is sold to a non-profit for 8T, payments due over 15 years. The problem is solved.  The Supremes are stuck, selling an asset to cover debt is perfectly within the framework of the 14th Amendment.

Does this violate the right to coin? No, Congress still has an opt out, for a fee. But Congress will not exercise the exit as it becomes adapted to the new system, especially if we get a Constitution Adjustment act foe the small states going extinct. In other words, we cheat. Congress, or the Senate, is fucked in any even as the five small states go extinct. So that additional pressure gets us the Senate votes we need as we save Wyoming an Vermont from death.

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