Saturday, April 10, 2021

Congested Swamp

 Joe has a budget, a tax plan and a stimulus all on the docket at the same time. Good luck on cramming all that through.


As President Biden races ahead with a mammoth plan to bolster the nation's infrastructure, Democrats are gambling they'll get a political boost from an accompanying proposal: the tax hikes designed to defray the massive costs.

Biden on Wednesday outlined a slate of tax reforms aimed at raising $2.5 trillion — much of it from large corporations — to underwrite the new infrastructure spending. The proposal was quickly roasted by Republicans, who have long portrayed Democrats as the party of higher taxes and are now warning that Biden's plan would hurt small businesses and kill American jobs.

He will gum up the works, throw sand in the gears and jam things up.  He really has no mandate, and absent Trump throwing the Georgia election would not even have a Senate. His hand much weaker than he thinks. And I tire of metaphors.

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