As trial unfolds in death of George Floyd, faith leaders join police in urging calm in Los Angeles
Central banker have never learned the pure model of liquidity swaps. They started and ended with central banking which left them completely ignorant about S/L accounts that people need to avoid becoming stranded in the economy. Selgin nailed the problem long ago, but he is restricted on speaking out.
It is ignorance from UC Berkeley to MIT, tow institutions that need be shut down. Paul Sameulson started the fraud with his claim of ergodicity, and it has continued ever since. Now we have delusional Californians in charge making the problem much worse.
Poor people and lower middle class of any color or gender have a distinct American claim to looting until central bankers learn some simple math. Politicians add to the issue by claiming proportional voting which we do not have. Nut case3s from Sanders to Trump to Cotton to D=DeSantis to Newsom, totally ignorant of how to deal with a federal system.
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