Saturday, November 30, 2013

A country hick from Iowa says California cannot have a fair vote

Senators from the smallest states will continue to have the same power in the Senate as Senators from the largest states. Sen. Tom Harkin Democratic Senator from Iowa

OK, denying California the right to a fair Senate vote is not democracy, nor does Harkin claim to be a democrat (small d).
The fact is that reform of the filibuster is not a Democratic or a Republican issue. Rather, at the heart of the debate is a single, simple question -- do we believe in democracy? Do we believe that issues of public policy should be decided at the ballot box or by the manipulation of arcane and archaic Senate rules? Those who oppose any change to the filibuster rule, those who oppose the principle of majority rule, in reality are fearful that the people's choices and wishes will be translated into action here in Washington.

Wait a minute, harkin just claimed we have no intent to support fair voting. Now he claims that with a majority vote of 50 country boys from rural America, they have the right to rule anybody!

Harkin should be arrested for treason.  The founding fathers were indeed worried about jackass tyrants like Harkin, and they provided both a social and legal remedy.  The social remedy was to move west and make states. The legal remedy was the allowance in the constitution to adjust state boundaries to make the Senate a fair representation.

So, if you think poverty, inequality and lack of democracy go hand in hand, then we now know why California is the poorest state in the nation (relative to local inflation). We now have a direct admission that the Undemocrats in California, with the support of Undemocratic country boys, intend to keep California in poverty.

Lets look at Obamacare:
Although 6,104 Iowans had been declared eligible to enroll in a marketplace plan, only 2.2 percent were able to do so.  QC Times

So, Tom support a continent wide medical insurance plan affecting some 300 million people so De Moines Iowa can enroll 6 thousand people in insurance? This is the incredible stupidity.

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