The Clipper Ship bot roams the trade winds. It needs no sailors, it runs for zero fuel costs. Slow moving commodities could be moved across the Pacific, incurring only loading and unloading charges. In oil exchange, just build a special Clipper Tanker Bot. Fill it up and send it on. No real costs to going from here to there. The things would be safe enough to rent cabins for ten day voyages. So you have the Clipper Passenger Liner Bot. Seriously. A lot of trade is not time dependent, and these can cross the Atlantic in a typical 15 days. Tree Hugger has the scoop.
The pic on the right is the real Clipper ship, this one is top of the line. Clipper ships made a big impact on shipping just before steam. They were cutting the shipping times across the Atlantic, the best sailing ship for cargo.
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