Thursday, July 24, 2014

That would be six years of statistical fraud by liberals

Ignorance and fraud, now uncovered. SS is four times more insolvent in the years since the crash. So, if you are just entering the work force, you are likely going to pay another 4% in SS taxes. Cause? Simple stupidity among economists. I have pointed out, many times, a periodic function like social security is stable only if its gets periodic and small updates every 15 years.  Straight out of sampling theory, and as true as the economists is stupid. Liberal economists who did not know that are idiots, liberal economists who knew that are frauds.

The other rule of periodic economics? 

The end of the presidential term, lame duck season, is when the frauds are uncovered and the recession begins.  True now as ever. Total growth for the past two years averages some -1%, and that is recession. We are in a mild recession as we speak.

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