Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bubbles and Ramsey theory, a hand wave

This model of the vacuum includes the three basic quants, the inert bubble and two opposite phase bubbles which exchange with the null. Stable conditions occur when sets of the phase bubbles can combine with a contiguous pack of Nulls and maintain a boundary. Two conditions can change to make a stable unit circle with a pack of nulls, a phase offset between the two opposite phase bubbles, and a mutual motion with one or more other packed Nulls.

This is simply a Ramsey theory problem in which the phase and nulls, packed against a Higgs bandwidth limit will adjust phase offset and mutual motion to provide separability and connectivity.  The available bandwidth for exchanges is divided according to Ramsey theory. The division of bandwidth would then obey Lagrange numbers of something similar, as long as the packed nulls, the phase offset and the mutual motion make the effectively separated band gaps.

Each phase offset provides a new degree of freedom and generates a stable mutual motion and phase offset which are unique, and follow the Ramsey theory rules. The Lagrange numbers fall into place because each preceding system leaves a samples data spectrum that is mutually orthogonal to the next Lagrange number up the chain. I think each Lagrange is maximally separable to its previous, so we get a sort of Schur reduction:
In numerical analysis, the Schur complement method, named after Issai Schur, is the basic and the earliest version of non-overlapping domain decomposition method, also called iterative substructuring. A finite element problem is split into non-overlapping subdomains, and the unknowns in the interiors of the subdomains are eliminated. The remaining Schur complement system on the unknowns associated with subdomain interfaces is solved by the conjugate gradient method.
I think this will apply to the Lagrange numbers when there is no system noise and both noise and bandwidth separation can be adjusted by the process of elimination.That is, both channel noise and quants are mutually adjustable. So the sequence might be:
  • Free space is a half shift between phase and no pack null.
  • The graviton is a full shift and the graviton with no motion, and the smallest null set, but stable in a gravitational 1/2 gradient.
  • The Leptons getting a 1 and 1/2 shift, more Nulls in quant sizes basic to gravitons and mutually orthogonal to each other.
  • The Leptons split a 3 shift plus half spin, Null sizes in units of the spinners,  and having three degrees of motion make the quarks, in triplets
All of this works because all the vacuum is bubbles, and connectivity maintained.

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