Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The distribution of the constituents of vacuum

This chart I stole from Richard Bader, a chem professor at tin Ontario. He says:
Fig. 3-5. The radial distribution function Q1(r) for an H atom. The value of this function at some value of r when multiplied by Dr gives the number of electronic charges within the thin shell of space lying between spheres of radius r and r + Dr.
Now to me this is just the minimum redundancy distribution of the basic exchange spectrum between the constituents of the vacuum. If we consider 'light' as an exchange between two constituents of the vacuum which happens at some center frequency and has a spectra indicating variation in the exchange rate, then we have distributed that spectrum in the hydrogen atom, energy level one charge position.  The peak of this spectrum is where a bundle of Higgs mass more closely matches its Compton frequency.  At that peak, the greatest amount of the light spectrum is contained. To the left of that peak, the spectrum of light is high, the right sidelobe, byut the degrees of freedom are low, so there is not clear match between any bundle of Higgs mass that can stabilize the spectrum.  To the right of the peak, the spectrum of light contained is the low frequency part of its spectrum, which has greater degrees of freedom and greater bundles of Higgs mass can easily contain the spectrum.  Light spectra is essentially maximally contained within the orbital.

This spectrum should follow the -pLog(p) Shannon condition. Log(p) gives the number of degrees of light spectra, and p gives the frequency. In terms of sphere packing, the the most densely packed region of spheres is at the peak.  From the view point of a Poisson distribution, it looks like three to four spheres are queued up, and some sort of estimation like this should tell us what the relative number of spheres, and size relationships are that make up the vacuum.  If we know, for example, that the log function from the peak, out to the long end, is about 16, then we can take a shot at estimating distribution of motions available to spheres of 'light' at the surface of the sphere. The point to the left of the peak should be the Higgs bandwidth limit of the vacuum. There should be a minimizing phase shift between the two constituents that are light vacuum quants, the phase shift going from zero to the left, and increasing to the right; and at the peak the shift, minimum.

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