Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Housing during the stimulus

New home sales down everywhere, except California.  

But what is interesting is the collapse of new home sales in 2010 and 2011.  Home sales were recovering nicely right after the crash in late 2009.  Then they collapse.  So what else was happening in 2010 and the first half of 2011?  The stimulus and QE drove interest rates up over a point, suddenly:

Here it is, the ten year treasury rate in blue, going up with QE and the stimulus, and housing collapsing, again.  What is cause and effect? We know one thing, Obama's economists are lying about the stimulus.  Bernanke lied about the QE lowering rates.  There is no possible method to find multipliers greater than one from this data.  Good multipliers would never show up if they were aligned with a housing collapse, it is statistically impossible to find good multipliers.

There is sufficient statistical proof out there that none of the Kanosians hosreshit has worked.

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